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PAARL BOYS' PRIMARY SCHOOL has the privilege of teaching bright and curious students from Paarl, the surrounds and beyond.

In this day and age, schools need to look to additional funding to enable them to upgrade their facilities and in turn uplift their community.

Die sukses van hierdie geleenthede hang grootliks af van ons ouers van die Paarl en omliggende gemeenskappe.

Please contact Carike Dewey in the Marketing Department if you would like to be involved in any of our fundraisers.


Enjoy food from around the world during this fun fundraiser. This event takes place towards the end of the first term and is a wonderful evening out for the whole family. 

Elke klas kies 'n land wat dan die tema van hul stalletjie bepaal.

Ma's en Pa's werk saam om die kos voor te berei en die stalletjies te versier, terwyl die seuns hard oefen aan hul dansitem vir die aand.

This annual event is very well supported by parents and friends of Klein Boishaai.


​Each year, a record number of guests enjoyed the wonderful dishes on offer and entertainment provided by the boys. A fun evening for the whole family.

As u op enige manier by die Voedselfees betrokke wil raak, kontak asseblief vir Carike Dewey in ons Bemarking Departement.

Food Festival 1.jpg


The Tebbie Terblanche Trust hosts an annual auction where parents and friends of Klein Boishaai to come together to help raise funds for the upkeep of the school buildings and grounds. 

This is an event that is only made possible with the support of the community.

Please contact Carike Dewey if you would like to be involved in the Believe in Blue Auction.



Ons jaarlikse Gholfdag vind elke jaar by Paarl Gholfklub (Boschenmeer) plaas.

Ouers en vriende maak die vierballe vol en geniet 'n genotvolle dag op die baan vol pret, lag en 'n bietjie gholf!

​A considerable portion of the day's success is due to the commitment made by the players and the sponsors who sponsor holes as well as prizes.

​Please contact Carike Dewey to find out how you can make a difference at the Golf Day.



An initiative for passionate individuals, like-minded to make a

difference and willing to adopt a Klein Boishaaier.

Ons leef in moelike tye.  Hierdie inisiatief help diegene wat nie altyd hul finansiële skoolverpligtinge kan nakom nie.  Dit sluit skoolfooie, kampgelde, sporttoere en selfs skoolklere in.

This initiative is run through our Tebbie Terblanche Trust and all donations will receive a Section 18A Tax Certificate.

Please contact Leana Viljoen if you would like to make a difference in child’s life.


021 872 4651

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