The home of true gentlemen
Die tuiste van ware here

2025 is Klein Boishaai se "Mislukking voed Groei"-jaar. Met hierdie jaartema wil ons beklemtoon dat sukses 'n swak leermeester is en dat mislukking noodsaaklik is vir leer en groei. Ons wil daarom 'n prestasiegedrewe gemeenskap herinner aan die waarde van 'n proses eerder as 'n uitsluitlik resultate-gedrewe uitkyk.
Throughout the year, the boys will be guided by optimism to stay positive and develop a solutions-oriented approach. Curiosity will motivate them to ask questions and become lifelong learners. Patience will teach them to never give up, even if the results are not immediately visible. Through self-reflection, boys will honestly evaluate their own behaviour and decisions, thereby becoming more well-rounded individuals.
Our Year Theme logo was designed and drawn by Caleb Venter who was in Grade 4A2 in 2024.